; Disassembly of the Thayer's Quest ROMs
; by Jeff Kulczycki, Jun 19, 2001
; Address Description
; A000 OUT (4) Speech Register 0: Duration/Phonetic
; A100 OUT (3) Speech Register 1: Inflection
; A200 OUT (2) Speech Register 2: Speech Rate
; A300 OUT (1) Speech Register 3: Amplitude
; A400 OUT (0) Speech Register 4: Filter Frequency
; A500 Holds Copy of A000
; A604-A605 Temp pointer to start of Speech Buffer
; A608-A609 Pointer to A400
; A60A-A60B Unknown
; A60E Unknown
; A612-A613 Save Phoneme entry starting location
; A614 Number of characters in Speech Buffer
; A615 Unknown - speech, characters, timer
; A618 Marker (0,1)
; A619
; A61C Z_Adder (+1,-1)
; A61D X_Adder (+1,-1)
; A61F A100 Speech Control Code (F0-FF)
; A620 Backslash Flag (1 = backslash in speech buffer, 0 = no backslash)
; A621 Question Flag, checks occurance of "WH" in speech buffer
; A630 Unknown
; A63A Equations: Number of chacters to the right of the equals sign
; A641 Pointer to End of Speech Buffer
; A64A Length of Player's (full) Name
; A64B-A68A String containing Player's (full) Name
; A68B Length of Player's First Name
; A68C-A6CA String containing Player's First Name
; A6CB-A6CE Copy of score
; A6CF Word Properties (Plural, Inflection Level, etc.)
; A6D0-A6D2 Speakable number (n) in digits
; A6D3 Unknown
; A6D4-A6D5 Previous phrase pointer to avoid repeating same phrase
; A6D6 Ring Buffer 0-3 to keep track of repeated phrases
; A6D9 Temp location: Save Timer
; Save word length for vulgarities
; A782 .0
; .1
; .5
; .7
; A783 .4 Coin Counter Hardware Increment
; .5 Set LDPlayer data bus as Input
; .6 LDPlayer ENTER
; .7 LDPlayer INT/EXT
; A784 Command Byte to LDPlayer
; A787 Number of SEARCH Retries
; A788 Attract Mode Count (1-8)
; A7B5-A7B7 BCD, Number after converted to BCD
; A794-A796 Number awaiting conversion to BCD
; A79A .3 0 = PR-7820, 1 = LD-V1000
; Saved Game Banks
; A800-A9FF SAVED GAME Bank 1
; B000-B1FF SAVED GAME Bank 5
; B200-B3FF SAVED GAME Bank 6
; B400-B5FF SAVED GAME Bank 7
; B600-B7FF SAVED GAME Bank 8
; B800-B9FF SAVED GAME Bank 9
; Current Working BANK area
; BC00 Bank Number of current SAVED GAME
; BC01 Unknown
; BC03 Buffer pointer to 32
; BC24-BC64 Player's Full Name? LABEL
; BC65-BC6A 6 bytes get copied from BE27
; BC6B-BC71 6 bytes get copied from BE27
; BC80 .0 0 = Audio Track1, 1 = Audio Track2
; BC81 Scene Index
; BC82
; BC83-BC84 Scene Jumpers
; BC85-BC86 Scene Jumpers
; BC87-BC9F Scene Jumpers (BC83)
; BCA0-BCBA Items in Inventory
; .0 1 = Item is valid (has key associated)
; .1 1 = Item Held
; .2 1 = ?
; BCC0 inventory2?
; BCE0 Index to Health Table (C97E) <Default 08h>
; BCE1 Wounds/Health
; BCE2-BCE4 Score
; BCE5 xxx Timer Control Register
; .0 1 = Timer ON, 0 = Timer OFF
; .1 1 = Timer Expired, 0 = Not expired
; BCE6-BCE7 xxx Timer Value
; BCE8 Number of Lives
; BCF0-BDFF Hints given to player
; BE00 Index to Routine (Table1) 1 thru 8
; BE01 .0 1 = Exit Main Loop
; .1 1 = SAVE GAME in progress
; .2
; .6 Audio Status 0 = Single Channel,1 = Stereo
; .7 Audio Source 0 = AUDIO1, 1 = AUDIO2
; BE02 Index to Routine (Table2)
; BE03 .0 1 = Reset Main Loop
; .2 1 = Combine Mode enabled, waiting for object selection
; .3 1 = Drop Mode enabled, waiting for object selection
; .4 0 = Audio Track1, 1 = Audio Track2
; BE04 Game Timer Control Register
; .0 1 = Timer ON, 0 = Timer OFF
; .1 1 = Timer Expired, 0 = Not expired
; BE05-BE06 Game Timer Value
; BE07 Programmable Timer Control Register
; .0 1 = Timer ON, 0 = Timer OFF
; .1 1 = Timer Expired, 0 = Not expired
; BE08-BE09 Programmable Timer Value
; BE0A Keyboard Character Pressed
; BE0B .0 Keyboard Buffer Indicator
; .1 Unknown
; BE0C .0-.4 Unknown
; .5-.7 Unknown
; BE0D Number of Credits, Tens/Ones
; BE0E Number of Credits, Hundreds
; BE0F Hold DIP Switch A
; BE10 Coin Slot 1 Debounce
; BE11 Coin Slot 2 Debounce
; BE12 Unknown
; BE13-BE14 Number of
; BE15-BE16 Temp BANK address
; BE17 .0 Unknown
; .7 Unknown
; BE18 Temporary RAM Spot
; BE23 DecisionTimer Control Register
; .0 1 = Timer ON, 0 = Timer OFF
; .1 1 = Timer Expired, 0 = Not expired
; BE24-BE25 DecisionTimer Value
; BE27-BC2C Unknown -important-
; BE2D-BE2F Initials - "RDI"
; BE30
; BE31-BE37 Unknown
; BE44-BE46 score, ranking?
; BE48 Timer Register
; .0
; .7 ??
; Scoreboard Output Port is F6/F7, Data as follows
; where x is the digit to store
; 0x Player1 Game time Remaining 1
; 1x Player1 Game time Remaining 10
; 2x Player1 Game time Remaining 100
; 3x Player1 Game time Remaining 1000
; 4x Player1 Game time Remaining 10000
; 5x Player1 Game time Remaining 100000
; 6x Credits 10
; 7x Credits 1
; x = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
; Address Description
; 00 Unknown
; 01 Unknown
; 02 Unknown
; 03 Unknown
; 04 Unknown
; 20 Unknown
; 80 Unknown
; C0 Reset Keyboard Input Ready
; A0 Unknown
; E0 Unknown
; F0 Input Byte from LDPlayer
; F1 DIP Switch B/Coin Slots/READY Status
; F2 DIP Switch A
; F3 Interrupt Request
; F4 Output Byte to LDPlayer
; F5 Hardware
; .4 Coin Counter Hardware Increment
; .5 Set LDPlayer data bus as Input
; .6 LDPlayer ENTER
; .7 LDPlayer INT/EXT
; F6 Scoreboard
; F7 Scoreboard
; F1 (080h) CLEAR
; F2 (081h) none
; F3 (082h) ENTER
; F4 (083h) SPACE
org 0000h
CPU = Z180
globals on
; Start of RESET
L0000: DI ; Disable Interrupts
IM 1 ; Set Interrupt Mode 1
LD SP,0BFFFh ; Set Stack Pointer to end of RAM
OUT (0C0h),A ; Reset Keyboard Data Ready Interrupt
OUT (0A0h),A
XOR A ; A = 0
LD (0BE43h),A ;
LD A,010h ;
LD (0BE0Ch),A ;
OUT (020h),A ; Set Keyboard to Output
LD B,0FFh ;
L0017: LD A,(0BFFFh) ;
DJNZ L0017 ;
CALL L1247 ; Initialize Speech Chip
LD HL,0BE2Dh ; Set up pointer to initials
CALL L003B ; Check if initials are "RDI"
JP NZ, L00BA ; Not RDI, so jump ahead
LD A,0F5h
OUT (080h),A ; Write to Keyboard Interface (COP421L)
LD HL,0BE17h
SET 7,(HL)
JP L0095 ;
; Not Used
DB 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
L0038: JP L01B1 ; Goto IM 1 Interrupt Routine
; Check if initials are "RDI"
; HL = Start of Initials
L003B: LD A,'R' ; Check for "R"
CP (HL) ; Is first initial a "R"?
RET NZ ; No, so return
INC HL ; Point to next initial
LD A,'D' ; Check for "D"
CP (HL) ; Is middle initial a "D"?
RET NZ ; No, so return
INC HL ; Point to next initial
LD A,'I' ; Check for "I"
CP (HL) ; Is last initial a "I"?
RET ; Return
; Not Used
DB 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
DB 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
DB 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
DB 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
; UNKNOWN Check for F5 in BE27
L0067: CALL L21B3 ; Check if Programmable Timer expired
JR Z,L0067 ; Still running so just loop
LD HL,0BE17h
RES 7,(HL)
BIT 0,(HL)
RES 0,(HL)
LD HL,0BE27h
LD B,006h ; Loop = 6
LD A,0F5h ; Check for an F5
L0080: CP (HL) ; Was there an F5?
JR Z,L0087 ; Yes, so erase all bytes
INC HL ; Check next byte
DJNZ L0080 ; Loop until all 6 bytes are checked
RET ; Not found so return
; F5 is in important bytes so reset them to zero
L0087: XOR A ; Reset to zero
LD B,006h ; Loop = 6
LD HL,0BE27h ;
L008D: LD (HL),A ; Reset to zero
DJNZ L008D ; Loop until all bytes cleared
CALL L16D8 ;
L0095: LD DE,00005h ; Programmable Timer = 5
CALL L21A7 ; Set Programmable Timer
EI ; Enable Interrupts
CALL L0067 ; Wait until Timer expires..?
LD HL,0BE01h ; Get GAME STATUS Register
BIT 1,(HL) ; Is there a game waiting to be saved?
CALL NZ,L0E10 ; Yes, so call Save Game
; Clear out all 10 SAVED GAME Banks.
LD B,00Ah ; Loop = 10
LD DE,00200h ; DE = 200h
LD IY,0A800h ; IY = Start of Game Banks
L00B0: RES 7,(IY+001h) ; Clear bit 7 of A801
ADD IY,DE ; IY = IY + 200h
DJNZ L00B0 ; Loop until all banks marked
JR L00FD ; Jump ahead
; Clear Out RAM (A000-BFFF)
L00BA: LD HL,0A000h ; Setup loop pointer A000
LD DE,0A001h ; Setup Loop pointer A000+1
LD BC,01FFFh ; Loop size is 2K
LD (HL),000h ; Clear out RAM location
LDIR ; Loop until all locations cleared
; Label SAVED GAME Banks 1-10
LD DE,00200h ; DE = 200, Size of Bank
LD A,001h ; A = 1, First label
LD B,00Ah ; Loop = 10, Number of Banks
LD IY,0A800h ; IY = A800,AA00,AC00,etc. Start of Banks
L00D2: LD (IY+000h),A ; Store label
INC A ; A = A + 1, Increment label
ADD IY,DE ; IY = IY + 200h, Point to next Bank
DJNZ L00D2 ; Loop until all banks labeled
LD A,0F5h ;
OUT (080h),A ; Write to Keyboard Interface (COP421L)
LD HL,0BE17h
SET 7,(HL)
LD DE,00005h ; Programmable Timer = 5
CALL L21A7 ; Set Programmable Timer
EI ; Enable Interrupts
CALL L0067
LD HL,0A782h
LD (HL),0C1h
; Store RDI initials
LD HL,0BE2Dh ; Point to initials
LD (HL),'R' ; Store "R" in first spot
INC HL ; Point to next spot
LD (HL),'D' ; Store "D" in next spot
INC HL ; Point to next spot
LD (HL),'I' ; Store "I" in next spot
; Blank out Scoreboard
L00FD: LD B,008h ; Loop = 8
LD A,00Fh ; A = 0F,1F,2F,3F,4F,5F,6F,7F
L0101: OUT (0F6h),A ; Write A to F6
OUT (0F7h),A ; Write A to F7
ADD A,010h ; A = A + 10h
DJNZ L0101 ; Loop unit B = 0
; Set Scoreboard Credits to "00"
LD A,060h ; Send "0" to Credit Tens
OUT (0F7h),A ; Output to Scoreboard
LD A,070h ; Send "0" to Credit Ones
OUT (0F7h),A ; Output to Scoreboard
; Store DIP Switch reading
IN A,(0F2h) ; Get DIP Switch A
LD (0BE0Fh),A ; Store DIP A
; Initialize Variables
XOR A ; A = 0
LD B,A ; B = 0
LD C,A ; C = 0
LD (0BE04h),A ; Clear Game Timer Control Register
LD (0BE05h),BC ; Clear Game Timer
LD (0BE0Dh),A ; Clear Number of Credits, Tens/Ones
LD (0BE0Eh),A ; Clear Number of Credits, Hundreds
LD (0BE48h),A ; Clear Timer Register
CALL 0C08Bh ; Wait until System is Initialized
IN A,(0F1h) ; Get DIP Switch B
BIT 0,A ; Test B1, Diagnostic Mode
JP Z,L1F9B ; Diagnostic Mode ON, so begin Diagnostics
JP L0136 ; Jump ahead one line
; Main Loop, Start with attract and cycle
; thru all routines in the table
L0136: CALL LC07F ; Start Running the Main Loop
JR L0136 ; Just loop here
; Setup the Main Loop
L013B: LD HL,0BE00h ; Routine Pointer
LD (HL),000h ; Reset Main loop to 1st routine (attract mode)
; HL = Pointer to Routine Table
L0140: LD A,(HL) ; Get A from HL
SLA A ; Multiply A by 2
LD HL,0C03Dh ; Get Pointer to Jump table
ADD A,L ; Add Index
LD L,A ; Create new pointer
JR NC,L014B ; Check if carry is clear
INC H ; Create new pointer
; Get Routine Address from Table A
L014B: LD E,(HL) ; E = Jump Address (low byte)
INC HL ; Point to next spot
LD D,(HL) ; D = Routine Address (high byte)
EX DE,HL ; Put Routine Address in HL
; Execute the Routine
CALL L01AF ; Execute Routine
; Check if we need to reset the Main Loop
LD HL,0BE01h ; Get GAME STATUS Register
BIT 0,(HL) ;
JR Z,L0164 ;
RES 0,(HL) ;
LD (0A64Ah),A ; Clear Length of Full Name
LD (0A68Bh),A ; Clear Length of First Name
JR L013B ; Reset Main Loop
; Loop through all the routines
L0164: LD HL,0BE00h ; Get Routine
INC (HL) ; Point to next Routine
LD A,008h ; Total Number of Routines is 8
L016A: CP (HL) ; Have we done all 8 Routines?
JP NZ,L0140 ; No, so execute the Routine
LD (HL),003h ; Yes, so start over at Routine #3
JP L0140 ; Execute Routine
; Get Jump Address from Table B
L0173: LD HL,0BE03h ;
RES 1,(HL) ;
RES 3,(HL) ; Clear Drop Mode
; Stop DecisionTimer
LD HL,0BE23h ; Get DecisionTimer Control Register
LD (HL),000h ; Stop DecisionTimer
LD HL,0BE02h ;
LD (HL),000h ;
L0184: LD A,(HL) ; Get Routine B Pointer
SLA A ; Multiply by 2
LD HL,0C04Dh ; Get Jump Table B
LD L,A ;
JR NC,L018F ;
L018F: LD E,(HL) ;
LD D,(HL) ;
EX DE,HL ; Put Routine Address in HL
CALL L01AF ; Execute Routine
LD HL,0BE03h ; Get Register
BIT 0,(HL) ; Should we leave the main loop?
JR Z,L01A0 ; No, continue loop
RES 0,(HL) ; Process request to leave loop
RET ; Leave main loop
L01A0: LD HL,0BE02h ; Get Routine Index
INC (HL) ; Point to next Routine
LD A,019h ; There are #25 Routines
CP (HL) ; Have we run all 25?
JP NZ,L0184 ; No, so keep looping
LD (HL),00Bh ; Yes, so start over at Routine #11
JP L0184 ; Loop back
; Jump to Address in HL
L01AF: JP (HL) ; Jump to address in HL
L01B0: RET ; No need to return : Routine #7
; IM 1 Interrupt Routine
; Save all registers before entering interrupt
L01B1: PUSH BC ; Save BC Register
PUSH DE ; Save DE Register
PUSH HL ; Save HL Register
PUSH AF ; Save AF Register
PUSH IX ; Save IX Register
PUSH IY ; Save IY Register
IN A,(040h) ; Get Interrupt Request Status
BIT 3,A ; Are there interrupts pending?
JR NZ,L01C8 ; Yes, begin Interrupt routines
XOR A ; A = 0
OUT (0E0h),A ; Reset interrupt
NOP ; Pause
IN A,(0E0h) ; Reset interrupt
JP L0352 ; Jump to end of interrupt
; Begin Interrupt Functions
L01C8: BIT 4,A ; Test for timer interrupt
JP NZ,L02AE ; No timer interrupt, so do next check
CALL L0416 ; Decrement All Timers
LD A,(0BE13h) ; Get Coin Counter Debounce
JR Z,L0213
LD C,A ; C
LD A,(0BE14h)
LD (0BE14h),A
AND 00Fh
JR NZ,L0213
LD A,(0A783h)
RES 4,A ; Clear Coin Counter
LD (0A783h),A
OUT (0F5h),A ; Write to Coin Counter Hardware
LD (0BE14h),A
LD (0BE13h),A
JR L0213
L01FB: OR A ; Coin Counter Debounce at zero?
JR NZ,L020F ; No, so skip ahead
LD A,083h
LD (0BE14h),A
LD A,(0A783h) ;
SET 4,A ; Increment Coin Counter
LD (0A783h),A
OUT (0F5h),A ; Write to Coin Counter Hardware
JR L0213
L020F: LD C,001h
L0213: LD A,(0BE0Fh) ; Get DIP Switch A
AND 007h ; Test for Free Play
JR Z,L0282 ; Free Play set so skip ahead
LD HL,0BE04h ; Get Game Timer Control Register
BIT 1,(HL) ; Has Game Timer expired?
JR NZ,L0249 ; No, so start new game
BIT 0,(HL)
JR Z,L0282
LD A,(0BE0Eh)
JR NZ,L0282
LD A,(0BE0Dh)
CP 003h
JR NC,L0282
LD HL,0BE12h
BIT 4,(HL)
JR Z,L0244
; Blank out scoreboard
LD A,06Fh ; Blank in Credit Tens
OUT (0F7h),A ; Output to Scoreboard
LD A,07Fh ; Blank in Credit Ones
OUT (0F7h),A ; Output to Scoreboard
JR L0282 ;
L0244: CALL L0287 ; Update Credits on scoreboard
JR L0282
L0249: LD (HL),001h ; Start Game Timer
; Get Time Units for Credit per DIP Settings
LD HL,002A0h ; Point to Time Units Table
L024E: DEC A ; Check DIP Setting
JR Z,L0255 ; Correct DIP Setting so award Time
INC HL ; Increment Table Pointer
INC HL ; Increment Table Pointer
JR L024E ; Loop until DIP Setting found
; Award Time Units
L0255: LD A,(HL) ; Get Time Unit Value
INC HL ; Point to next spot
LD H,(HL) ; Get Time Unit Value
LD L,A ; HL = Time Unit Value
LD (0BE05h),HL ; Update Game Timer
; Subtract 1 Credit
LD A,(0BE0Dh) ; Get Number of Credits, Tens/Ones
SUB 001h ; Subtract 1 credit
DAA ; Make into a decimal number
LD (0BE0Dh),A ; Store Number of Credits, Tens/Ones
LD C,A ; C = Number of Credits
LD A,(0BE0Eh) ; Get Number of Credits, Hundreds
SBC A,000h ; Subtract one if carry is set
DAA ; Make into a decimal number
LD (0BE0Eh),A ; Store Number of Credits, Hundreds
OR C ; A = A OR C
LD C,A ; C = A, Store Credits temporarily
CALL L0287 ; Update Credits on scoreboard
LD A,C ; A = C, Get Credits
OR A ; Any Credits?
JR NZ,L0282 ; Yes, some credits remain, so jump ahead
; No Credits Left
LD HL,0BE48h
SET 7,(HL)
LD HL,0BE04h
LD (HL),000h ; Stop Timer3
L0282: OUT (0A0h),A
JP L0352 ; Jump to end of interrupt
; Send Number of Credits to Scoreboard
L0287: LD A,(0BE0Dh) ; Get Number of Credits
AND 00Fh ; Get lower nibble
OR 070h ; Store in Ones
OUT (0F7h),A ; Output to Scoreboard
LD A,(0BE0Dh) ; Get Number of Credits
SRL A ; Shift byte right
SRL A ; Shift byte right
SRL A ; Shift byte right
SRL A ; Shift byte right
OR 060h ; Store in Tens
OUT (0F7h),A ; Output to Scoreboard
RET ; Return
; Time Unit Table
L02A0: .word 305 ; 30 seconds
.word 458 ; 45 seconds
.word 610 ; 60 seconds
.word 712 ; 70 seconds
.word 814 ; 80 seconds
.word 966 ; 95 seconds
.word 1119 ; 110 seconds
; Check for interrupts from Speech Chip and Keyboard
L02AE: BIT 2,A ; Interrupt from Speech Chip?
JR NZ,L02B8 ; No, so skip speech stuff
CALL L1269 ; Send data to Speech Chip
JP L0352 ; Jump to end of interrupt
L02B8: BIT 5,A ; Interrupt from Keyboard?
JR NZ,L02C2 ; No, so skip keyboard stuff
CALL L0384 ; Process Keyboard Input
JP L0352 ; Jump to end of Interrupt
; Check Coin Slots
L02C2: IN A,(0F1h) ; Get DIP Switch B
LD C,A ; C = DIP Switch B
LD HL,0BE10h ; Coin Slot 1 Debounce Count
BIT 4,C ; Test Coin Slot 1
CALL L02D9 ; Call Coin Check
LD HL,0BE11h ; Coin Slot 2 Debounce Count
BIT 5,C ; Test Coin Slot 2
CALL L02D9 ; Call Coin Check
OUT (0F3h),A ; Request External Interrupt?
JR L0352 ; Jump to end of Interrupt
; Debounce Coin Slots
; Coin Slot must be pressed for 3 consecutive
; readings to register a coin insertion.
; A = BE10, Debounce Coin Slot 1 Count
; A = BE11, Debounce Coin Slot 2 Count
L02D9: LD A,(HL) ; Get Debounce Count
JR Z,L0319 ; Coin Slot pressed, so skip ahead
OR A ; Does Debounce Count = 0?
RET Z ; Yes, so return
CP 002h ; Debounce = 2?
JR NZ,L02E4 ; No, so check if it is 3
L02E2: INC (HL) ; Increment Debounce Count
RET ; Return
L02E4: CP 003h ; Debounce = 3?
JR NZ,L0316 ; No, so skip ahead
LD A,003h ; Add 3 Credits
CALL L0320 ; Award Credits and Time
IN A,(0F2h) ; Get DIP Switch A
BIT 3,A ; Test A4, Coins per Credit
LD A,(0BE0Eh)
LD A,(0BE0Dh)
CP 006h ; Are there 6 credits left?
LD A,(0BE04h)
BIT 0,A ; Timer3 still running?
JR NZ,L030F ; Yes, so skip ahead
LD A,060h ; Send "0" to Credit Tens
OUT (0F7h),A ; Output to Scoreboard
LD A,070h ; Send "0" to Credit Ones
OUT (0F7h),A ; Output to Scoreboard
L030F: LD A,(0BE13h) ; Get Number of Coins
INC A ; Add 1 Coin
LD (0BE13h),A ; Store Number of Coins
L0316: LD (HL),000h ; Reset Debounce Count to zero
RET ; Return
L0319: CP 002h
JR C,L02E2
JR NZ,L0316
; Award Credits and Time
; A = Number of Credits to add
L0320: PUSH BC ; Save BC Register
PUSH HL ; Save HL Register
LD C,A ; C = A
LD A,(0BE0Dh) ; Get Number of Credits
ADD A,C ; Add to Number of Credits
DAA ; Make into a decimal number
LD (0BE0Dh),A ; Store number of credits
LD A,(0BE0Eh) ; Get Number of Credits, hundreds
ADC A,000h ; Add carry
DAA ; Make into decimal number
LD (0BE0Eh),A ; Store number of credits, hundreds
CALL L0287 ; Update Credits on scoreboard
LD A,(0BE0Fh) ; Get DIP Switch A
AND 007h ; Test for Free Play
JR Z,L034F ; Free Play set so skip ahead
; Get Time Units for Credit per DIP Settings
LD HL,002A0h ; Point to Time Units Table
L0341: DEC A ; Check DIP Setting
JR Z,L0348 ; Correct DIP Setting so award Time
INC HL ; Increment Table Pointer
INC HL ; Increment Table Pointer
JR L0341 ; Loop until DIP Setting found
; Award Time Units
L0348: LD A,(HL) ; Get Time Unit Value
INC HL ; Point to next spot
LD H,(HL) ; Get Time Unit Value
LD L,A ; HL = Time Unit Value
LD (0BE05h),HL ; Update Game Timer
L034F: POP HL ; Restore HL Register
POP BC ; Restore BC Register
RET ; Return
; Restore all registers upon leaving interrupt
L0352: POP IY ; Restore IY Register
POP IX ; Restore IX Register
POP AF ; Restore AF Register
POP HL ; Restore HL Register
POP DE ; Restore DE Register
POP BC ; Restore BC Register
EI ; Enable Interrupts
RETI ; Return from Interrupt
; Read Keyboard Status
; HL = ?
L035D: SET 0,(HL)
LD A,(0BE0Ch)
AND 01Fh
OR 020h
LD (0BE0Ch),A
OUT (020h),A ; Set Keyboard Mode to Input (20h)
L036B: IN A,(080h) ; Get Data from Keyboard
CP 0FAh ; Is keyboard ready?
JR NZ,L036B ; Wait here until ready
OUT (0C0h),A ; Reset Keyboard Data Ready Interrupt
LD A,0F5h
OUT (080h),A ; Write to Keyboard Interface (COP421L)
LD A,(0BE0Ch)
AND 01Fh
OR 000h
LD (0BE0Ch),A
OUT (020h),A
; Process Keyboard Input
L0384: LD HL,0BE17h
BIT 7,(HL)
JR NZ,L035D ; Keyboard not ready so diagnose
LD A,(0BE0Ch)
AND 0E0h
CP 080h
CP 040h
JP Z,L03F7
LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Get Keyboard Buffer
RES 1,(HL)
IN A,(080h) ; Get character from Keyboard
CP 0F0h
CP 0F5h
SET 2,(HL)
L03AD: CP 0F3h
RES 2,(HL)
L03B5: SET 1,(HL) ;
SET 0,(HL) ; Mark Keyboard buffer full
LD (0BE0Ah),A ; Store character in Keypress location
L03BC: LD A,(0BE0Ch) ;
AND 01Fh
OR 020h
LD (0BE0Ch),A
OUT (020h),A ; Set Keyboard Mode to Input (20h)
L03C8: IN A,(080h) ; Get character from Keyboard
LD A,(0BE0Ch)
AND 01Fh
OR 000h
LD (0BE0Ch),A
OUT (0C0h),A ; Reset Keyboard Data Ready Interrupt
OUT (020h),A
L03DD: LD HL,0BE17h
SET 0,(HL)
LD A,(0BE0Ch)
AND 01Fh
OR 0A0h
LD (0BE0Ch),A
OUT (020h),A
L03EE: IN A,(080h) ; Get character from Keyboard
OUT (0C0h),A ; Reset Keyboard Data Ready Interrupt
L03F7: LD HL,0BE17h
SET 0,(HL)
IN A,(080h) ; Get character from Keyboard
LD (0BE26h),A
LD A,(0BE0Ch)
AND 01Fh
OR 020h
LD (0BE0Ch),A
OUT (020h),A ; Set Keyboard Mode to Input (20h)
L040D: IN A,(080h) ; Get status from Keyboard
CP 0FAh ; Check if keyboard ready
JR NZ,L040D ; Keyboard not ready so loop
OUT (0C0h),A ; Reset Keyboard Data Ready Interrupt
RET ; Return
; Decrement All Timers
L0416: LD HL,0BE23h ; Point to DecisionTimer
CALL L0458 ; Decrement DecisionTimer
LD HL,0BE07h ; Point to Programmable Timer
CALL L0458 ; Decrement Programmable Timer
LD HL,0BE04h ; Point to Insert Coin Timer
CALL L0458 ; Decrement Insert Coin Timer
BIT 0,(HL)
CALL L0458 ; Decrement Timer
BIT 1,(HL)
RES 1,(HL)
LD HL,001D6h
LD (0BCE6h),HL
LD B,00Fh ; 15 markers to check
LD HL,0BC9Fh ;
L0444: BIT 0,(HL) ;
JR Z,L0454 ;
CP (HL) ;
JR Z,L0454 ;
DEC (HL) ;
SET 0,(HL) ; Start timer
L0454: DEC HL
DJNZ L0444 ; Loop until all markers checked
RET ; Return
; Decrement Timer Routine
; HL = Pointer to Timer Control Register
; where:
; 00 = Timer Off
; 01 = Timer Enabled
; 02 = Timer Expired
; HL+1 = Timer (Low Byte)
; HL+2 = Timer (High Byte)
L0458: BIT 0,(HL) ; Is timer enabled?
RET Z ; Timer not enabled so just leave
XOR A ; Check if timer is zero
INC HL ; Point to next Timer Byte
CP (HL) ; Is Timer byte at zero?
INC HL ; Point to next Timer Byte
L045F: JR NZ,L0469 ; Byte not at zero so decrement
CP (HL) ; Next byte at zero?
JR NZ,L0469 ; Byte not at zero so decrement
DEC HL ; Get Timer Control Register
L0465: DEC HL ; Get Timer Control Register
LD (HL),002h ; Mark Timer as "expired"
RET ; Return
; Timer is enable and running so decrement it
L0469: LD D,(HL) ; Get MSB of Timer
DEC HL ; Next byte
LD E,(HL) ; Get LSB of Timer
DEC DE ; Decrement Timer
LD (HL),E ; Store LSB of Timer
INC HL ; Next byte
LD (HL),D ; Store MSB of Timer
RET ; Return
; Table A Routine #3: Get Scene Data
; BC81h = Scene Index
L0471: LD A,(0BC81h) ; Get Scene Index
L0474: LD L,A ; L = A
XOR A ; A = 0
LD H,A ; HL = Scene Index
ADD HL,HL ; HL = HL * 2
ADD HL,HL ; HL = HL * 2
ADD HL,HL ; HL = HL * 2
ADD HL,HL ; HL = HL * 2
LD C,L ; Move pointer into BC
LD B,H ; BC = HL * 16
; Check which Audio Track is being used
LD HL,0BE03h ; Get MODE Register
BIT 4,(HL) ; Check which Audio Track
JP NZ,L04A3 ; Use Audio Track 2, so skip ahead
; Use Audio Track 1 Data
LD HL,0D000h ; HL = Start of Scene Data (Audio Track 1)
ADD HL,BC ; Add Scene Index
PUSH HL ; Move Scene Pointer into IX
POP IX ; IX = Scene Data + Scene Index
LD A,(IX+00Ah) ; Get Val10
AND 0E0h ; Is bit set?
JR Z,L04AA ;
CP 060h ; Does Room require an item?
LD HL,0BC9Fh ; Load Pointer to inventory
JP Z,L04D1 ; No item required, jump ahead
CP 020h ; Does Room contain an item?
LD HL,0BCC0h ; Load Pointer to inventory2
JP Z,L04D1 ; Yes, Room has item, jump ahead
; Use Audio Track 2 Data
L04A3: LD HL,0D800h ; HL = Start of Scene Data (Audio Track 2)
ADD HL,BC ; Add Scene Index
PUSH HL ; Move Scene Pointer into IX
POP IX ; IX = Scene Data + Scene Index
L04AA: LD HL,0BE03h ;
BIT 1,(HL) ;
JR NZ,L04E3 ;
BIT 4,(IX+00Bh) ; Is player dead?
JR Z,L04E3 ; Yes, so just return
BIT 6,(IX+002h)
LD D,(IX+00Dh) ; D = Wound value
LD A,(0BCE0h) ; Get Health Pointer
SUB D ; Subtract health
LD (0BCE0h),A ; Store new Health Pointer
JP P,L04E3
LD A,(IX+00Ch) ; Next scene
JP L0474 ;
L04D1: LD A,(IX+00Ah) ; Get Item needed
AND 01Fh ; Extract pertinent information
ADD A,L ; Add item index to inventory index
LD L,A ; Point to inventory
JR NC,L04DB ; Skip for carry
INC H ; Point to inventory
L04DB: BIT 0,(HL) ; Is item on 1 or 2?
JP NZ,L04A3 ; Yes, so use Scene Index2
JP L04AA ; No, so continue with Index1
L04E3: RET ; Return
; Routine #15: Check if Decision Timer is running
L04E4: BIT 7,(IX+00Bh) ; Is scene timed? (Var0B)
RET Z ; No, so return
LD HL,0BE23h ; Get DecisionTimer Control Register
BIT 1,(HL) ; Is DecisionTimer running?
RET Z ; No, so just return
LD (HL),000h ; Stop DecisionTimer
LD A,(IX+00Ch) ; Get next scene
LD (0BC81h),A ;
LD HL,0BE03h ;
SET 0,(HL) ;
RES 4,(HL) ; Set Audio Track 1
RET ; Return
; Start DecisionTimer
; Load Value and Start Timer
L04FF: BIT 7,(IX+00Bh) ; Is scene timed (Var0B)?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD L,(IX+00Dh) ; Get Timer Value (Var0D)
LD H,000 ; HL = Timer Value
SLA L ; HL = HL * 2
RL H ; Multiply Timer Value by 2
LD (0BE24h),HL ; Store DecisionTimer Value
LD HL,0BE23h ; Point to DecisionTimer Control Register
LD (HL),001h ; Start DecisionTimer
RET ; Return
; Add Var09 to Scene Index? Unknown
L0516: LD A,(IX+009h) ;
AND 0F0h
LD HL,0BC81h ; HL = Scene Index
L052C: RES 0,(HL)
RES 1,(HL)
LD (HL),000h
CALL L05AC ; A = Number of something
CP 000h
LD HL,0BCE5h ;
LD (HL),A ;
LD (HL),A ;
LD (HL),A ;
; Check (Routine #8)
L0542: LD A,(IX+009h)
AND 00Fh
LD HL,0C986h
JR NC,L0551
L0551: LD A,(HL)
LD HL,0BC81h
L055E: BIT 0,(HL)
SET 0,(HL)
RES 1,(HL)
CP 001h
SET 0,(HL)
; Table B Rountine #16: Unknown
; Check Locatons
; BC82h-BC9Fh
L0574: XOR A ; A = 0
LD B,00Fh ; B = 15 Loop
LD HL,0BC9Fh ; HL = End of Marker
L057A: BIT 0,(HL) ; Test bit0 of Marker?
DEC HL ; Point to previous Marker
JR Z,L0582 ; Bit0 is off, so next marker
CP (HL) ; Is next Marker zero?
JR Z,L0586 ; Yes, so jump ahead
L0582: DEC HL ; Point to next marker
DJNZ L057A ; Have all 8 Marker's been checked?
RET ; Return
; Marker Match B = 00 - 0F
L0586: INC HL
RES 0,(HL) ; Mark as set
LD HL,0C995h ; Get Pointer to Marker Table
LD A,B ; Index into Table
ADD A,L ; HL = HL + B
LD L,A ; HL = HL + B
JR NC,L0592 ; HL = HL + B
INC H ; HL = HL + B
L0592: LD A,(HL) ; Get new scene index from table
LD (0BC81h),A ; Store new Scene Index
LD HL,0BE03h
SET 0,(HL)
RES 4,(HL) ; Set Audio Track 1
CP 000h
; Count Number of something
; Return A = Number of occurances of bit 0
L05AC: XOR A ; Number= 0
LD B,00Fh ; Loop = 15
LD HL,0BC83h
L05B2: BIT 0,(HL)
JR Z,L05B9
L05B9: DJNZ L05B2
; Rountine #6: Healing Place gives Full Strength
L05BC: BIT 4,(IX+002h) ; Is this is healing place?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BCE0h) ; Get Health Pointer
CP 008h ; Is player full health?
RET Z ; Yes, so return
LD A,008h ; Make full health
LD (0BCE0h),A ; Save Health Pointer
LD DE,0805Dh ; Phrase="You Have Been Healed"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
RET ; Return
; Table B Rountine #20: Check Button: REPLAY
L05D3: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
CP 035h ; Check if "REPLAY (5)" Pressed
RET NZ ; Not pressed, so return
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear Keyboard Buffer
BIT 7,(IX+00Bh) ; Is scene timed? (Var0B)
RET NZ ; Yes, so action is not allowed here
LD HL,0BE03h ;
SET 0,(HL) ;
SET 1,(HL) ;
; Table B Rountine #4: Award Points????
L05EE: LD A,(0BE03h)
LD A,(0BC81h)
L05FF: LD A,(HL)
L0600: BIT 7,(IX+002h)
JR NZ,L0613
AND 00Fh
CALL L0622
AND 00Fh
CP 00Fh
L0613: AND 0F0h
CALL L0622
AND 0F0h
CP 0F0h
ADD A,010h
L0622: PUSH HL
JP NZ,L0661
CALL L0668 ; Award Points
LD A,(IX+008h) ; Get Scene Bonus
CP 0C9h ; Is Bonus = 201?
LD HL,0BE48h ; Get Timer Register
BIT 0,(HL)
; Award Bonus Time
LD HL,0BE04h ; Get Timer Register
RES 0,(HL) ; Stop Timer3
CALL L0287 ; Update Credits on scoreboard
LD DE,0009Fh ; Phrase = "Congratulations (*) You Have Won Bonus Time"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
LD A,001h ; Add 1 Credit
CALL L0320 ; Award Credits and Time
LD HL,0BE04h ; Point to Timer3 Register
SET 0,(HL) ; Start Timer3
L064F: LD HL,0BE01h ; Get GAME STATUS Register
RES 7,(HL)
L0654: BIT 3,(IX+007h) ; Check if scene requires single AUDIO
RES 6,(HL) ; Set Single Channel AUDIO
JR Z,L065E ; Single audio required so skip ahead
SET 6,(HL) ; Enable both AUDIO Channels
L0661: LD HL,0BE01h ; Get GAME STATUS Register
SET 7,(HL)
JR L0654 ; Loop back
; Award Bonus by adding it to score
; L066B: A = Bonus Value
L0668: LD A,(IX+008h) ; Get Bonus
L066B: LD HL,0BCE4h ; Get Score
ADD A,(HL) ; Add Bonus to Score LSB
LD (HL),A ; Store in Score
DEC HL ; Point to next Score byte
LD A,(HL) ;
ADC A,000h ;
LD (HL),A ;
LD A,(HL) ;
ADC A,000h ;
LD (HL),A ;
RET ; Return
; Routine #7: Drop all items, Restore Spells
L067B: BIT 5,(IX+002h) ;
LD B,01Ah ; 26 items to check
LD HL,0BCA0h ; Point to inventory
LD DE,LC95F ; Point to Item Property Table
L0688: BIT 1,(HL) ; Is item being held?
JR Z,L0696 ; Not held so skip
EX DE,HL ; Set to check property
BIT 3,(HL) ; Is item property a spell?
EX DE,HL ; Set to check property
JR Z,L069F ;
SET 0,(HL) ;
L0694: RES 1,(HL) ; Drop item from inventory
L0696: INC HL ; Next inventory item
INC DE ; Next item property
DJNZ L0688 ; Loop until all items checked
XOR A ; Strength = 0
LD (0BCE1h),A ; Set Strength to 0
RET ; Return
L069F: SET 2,(HL) ; Mark item as used (no longer available)
JR L0694 ; Go back and check remaining items
; Routine #4: Check for Wounds
L06A3: BIT 4,(IX+00Bh) ; Is player dead?
RET Z ; Yes, so just return
LD HL,0C97Eh ; Point to health table
LD A,(0BCE0h) ; Get Health Index
ADD A,L ; Add Index to Health Table
LD L,A ; Add Index
JR NC,L06B3 ; Carry not set
INC H ; Add Index
L06B3: LD A,(0BCE1h) ; Get Strength
CP (HL) ; Compare Strenght to Health Table
JP M,L0723 ; Player is wounded
JR Z,L0723 ; Player is woudded
LD DE,00033h ; Phrase="(%) You Are Wounded"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
; Player not strong enough, must drop item
L06C2: LD DE,00034h ; Phrase="Choose The Item You Want To Drop (%)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
; Yell WAKEUP if player doesn't respond in time
LD DE,000FFh ; Programmable Timer = FFh
CALL L21A7 ; Set Programmable Timer
L06CE: CALL L21B3 ; Check if Programmable Timer expired
JR Z,L06D8 ; Timer still running so skip ahead
CALL L085E ; Send a "Wake Up!" message to player
JR L06C2 ; Loop back and tell player to drop an item
L06D8: LD HL,0BE48h
BIT 7,(HL)
CALL L0DBF ; Check Keyboard
LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Get Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
JR Z,L06CE ; No, so loop back and wait
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear Keyboard Buffer
LD HL,0BE07h ; Get Programmable Timer Control Register
LD (HL),000h ; Stop Programmable Timer
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
BIT 6,A ; Was an item selected?
JR NZ,L0705 ; Yes, so goto Dropping Items
CP 032h ; Was the "2" (Inventory) key pressed?
JR NZ,L06C2 ; No, so tell player to choose another item
CALL L0CFA ; Inventory key pressed so goto Speak or Show Inventory
LD HL,0BE03h
BIT 0,(HL)
JR L06C2 ; Go back and Drop Item
L0705: CALL LC0A9 ; Do Dropping Items
LD HL,0C97Eh ; HL = Pointer to Health Table
LD A,(0BCE0h) ; Get
LD L,A ;
JR NC,L0713 ;
; Check player's strength
L0713: LD A,(0BCE1h) ; Get Strength
CP (HL) ; Does player have enough strength?
JR Z,L071C ; Yes, enough strength so continue
JP P,L072B ; Must drop another item
L071C: LD DE,0007Ah ; Phrase="You Can Continue Now (%)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
RET ; Leave Wounded Routine
L0723: LD DE,00033h ; Phrase="(%) You Are Wounded"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
JR L071C ; Let player continue
; Must drop another item
L072B: LD DE,000A2h ; Phrase = "Press Any Key To Continue"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
JR L06C2 ; Loop back and drop another item
; Check Dropping Items
L0733: LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
AND 01Fh ; Extract pertinent information
LD (0BE18h),A ; Store Item Number
CALL L11DF ; HL Points to Item in inventory
XOR A ; Check if zero
CP (HL) ; Is the item available?
RET Z ; No, not available so return
BIT 1,(HL) ; Is item in inventory?
JR NZ,L0767 ; Yes, so go to Drop Routine
CALL L136C ; Clear Speech Buffer
LD DE,00030h ; Phrase="Sorry (%) You Don't Have"
CALL L1383 ; Get Phrase from Table
LD A,(0BE18h) ; Get Item Number
LD E,A ; Point to Item Word
LD D,080h ; DE = Item
CALL L1383 ; Get Phrase from Table
CALL L21C1 ; Command Speech Chip to speak buffer
LD HL,0BCA0h ; HL = Start of Inventory
CALL L12F6 ; Speak Inventory
LD DE,000FFh ; Programmable Timer = 0FFh
CALL L21A7 ; Set Programmable Timer
RET ; Return
; Drop Item
L0767: CALL L136C ; Clear Speech Buffer
LD DE,00036h ; Phrase="(%) You Have Dropped"
CALL L1383 ; Get Phrase from Table
LD A,(0BE18h) ; Get Item Number to drop
LD E,A ; Point to Item Word
LD D,080h ; DE = Item Word
CALL L1383 ; Get Phrase from Table
CALL L21C1 ; Command Speech Chip to speak buffer
LD A,(0BE18h) ; Get Item Number to drop
LD DE,0C95Eh ; Add item number to Table start
ADD A,E ; Do addition
LD E,A ; Do addition
JR NC,L0787 ; Do addition
INC D ; DE = Table + Item Number
L0787: EX DE,HL ; HL = Item Properties
BIT 4,(HL) ; Check item's properties
EX DE,HL ; HL = Inventory Item
JR Z,L07A7 ; Not heavy, skip ahead
SET 0,(HL) ; Mark item as previously picked up
L078F: RES 1,(HL) ; Mark item as dropped
; Adjust player's strength after dropping item
LD A,(DE) ; Get Item Property
AND 007h ; Get Item Weight
LD B,A ; B = Item Weight
LD A,(0BCE1h) ; Get Strength
SUB B ; Adjust Strength with dropped item
LD (0BCE1h),A ; Save new Strength
LD HL,0BE07h ; Get Programmable Timer Control Register
RES 0,(HL) ; Disable Programmable Timer
LD HL,0BE03h ;
RES 3,(HL) ; Clear Drop Mode
RET ; Return
L07A7: SET 2,(HL) ;
JR L078F ;
; Routine #14: Check if player pressed an ITEM key
L07AB: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Get Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get keyboard character
BIT 6,A ; Is keypress an item?
RET Z ; No, so return
; Check if item is in inventory
AND 01Fh ; Get item number
LD (0BE18h),A ; Save item number
CALL L11DF ; Point to Item in Inventory
XOR A ; Check item status
CP (HL) ; Is item in inventory?
JR NZ,L07C9 ; Yes, so skip ahead
LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Get Keyboard Buffer
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear keyboard buffer
RET ; Return
; Check for COMBINE Item Mode
L07C9: LD HL,0BE03h ; Get MODE Register
BIT 2,(HL) ; Are we in COMBINE Mode?
JR Z,L07D4 ; No, so check next mode
CALL LC0AC ; Do Combining Items
RET ; Return
; Check for DROP Item Mode
L07D4: BIT 3,(HL) ; Are we in DROP Mode?
JR Z,L07E1 ; No do skip ahead
CALL LC0A9 ; Do Dropping Items
LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Get Keyboard Buffer
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear keyboard buffer
RET ; Return
; Check for automatic pick up
L07E1: BIT 7,(IX+002h) ; Does location utilize item?
JR Z,L0800 ; No, so skip ahead
LD A,(IX+00Ah) ; Get item located in room
LD B,A ; B = Item to be picked up
AND 060h ;
CP 060h ; Is the item automatically picked up?
JR NZ,L07F5 ; Yes, so jump ahead
CALL LC0AF ; Using or Picking up items
RET ; Return
L07F5: LD A,B ; Get item to be picked up
AND 020h ;
CP 020h ;
JR NZ,L0800 ;
RET ; Return
; Item not used here
L0800: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Get Keyboard Buffer
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear Keyboard Buffer
CALL L136C ; Clear Speech Buffer
LD A,(0BE18h) ; Get item being used
LD E,A ; Make item into word
LD D,080h ; Setup word to speak
CALL L1383 ; Get Phrase from Table
LD A,(0BE18h) ; Get item being used
CALL L11DF ; Point to Item in Inventory
BIT 1,(HL) ; Is item in inventory?
LD DE,00031h ; Phrase="Won't Work Here (%)"
JR NZ,L0821 ; Item in inventory so skip ahead
; Item not in inventory
LD DE,00078h ; Phrase="Is Not Here (%)"
L0821: CALL L1383 ; Get Phrase from Table
CALL L21C1 ; Command Speech Chip to speak buffer
RET ; Return
; Table B Rountine #19: Check Button: DROP ITEM
L0828: LD HL,0BE03h ; Check Register
BIT 3,(HL) ; Are we in Drop Mode?
JR NZ,L0854 ; Yes we are so jump ahead
LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
CP 033h ; Check if "DROP ITEM (3)" was pressed
RET NZ ; Not pressed, so return
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear Keyboard Buffer
BIT 7,(IX+00Bh) ; Is this scene timed? (Var0B)
RET NZ ; Yes, so action is not allowed here
L0842: LD DE,00034h ; Phrase="Choose The Item You Want To Drop (%)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
LD DE,000FFh ; Programmable Timer = 0FFh
CALL L21A7 ; Set Programmable Timer
LD HL,0BE03h ; Get Register
SET 3,(HL) ; Set Drop Mode
RET ; Return
; Drop Mode enable
L0854: CALL L21B3 ; Check if Programmable Timer expired
RET Z ; Programmable Timer still running so return
CALL L085E ; Timed-out, so send Wake Up message to player
JR L0842 ; Ask Player which item to drop
RET ; Return
; Speak "Wake Up" Message to player
L085E: PUSH AF ; Save AF Register
LD IY,L12AF ; Random Phrase = "Act Lively"
CALL L15EE ; Speak Random Phrase
POP AF ; Restore AF Register
RET ; Return
; Routine #2:
L0868: CALL LC082 ; Enter Name in Keyboard
LD HL,0BE48h ;
BIT 7,(HL) ;
JR Z,L0880 ;
RES 7,(HL) ;
LD DE,0009Eh ; Phrase="Your Time Is Up (*)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
L087A: LD HL,0BE01h ; Get GAME STATUS Register
SET 0,(HL) ; Request Exit Main Loop
RET ; Return
L0880: CALL LC088 ; Look for a Saved Game
CP 000h ; Have we found a saved game match?
JR Z,L0892 ; Yes, a saved game was found so skip ahead
CALL LC085 ; Check if First Name Basis is okay
LD (0BCE9h),A ;
CALL LC091 ;
; A Saved Game was found
L0892: CALL LC08E ; Welcome Player Back, Check lives
LD A,001h ;
CALL LC0A3 ; Retrieve Saved BANK data
RET ; Return
; Cycle Routine #5: Wait until System is Initialized
L089E: CALL L1C67 ; Initialize System
JR C,L089E ; Loop until System Initialized
RET ; Return
; HL = HL + A * 2
; DE = (new HL), BC = 0
L08A4: SLA A ;
LD L,A ;
L08AB: LD E,(HL) ;
LD D,(HL) ;
LD BC,00000h ;
; Cycle Routine #6: Call all BATCH 2 routines
L08B3: CALL LC094 ; #8
CALL LC097 ;
CALL LC09A ; #10 Initialize data in a Game BANK
CALL LC09D ; #11 routine
CALL LC0A3 ; #13 Retrieve Saved BANK data
RET ; Return
; Welcome Player Back, Check lives
L08C6: PUSH IY ; Save IY Register
LD IY,012CBh ; Random Phrase = "Nice To Have You Here Again (#)"
CALL L15EE ; Speak Random Phrase
POP IY ; Restore Save BANK address
CALL LC0A3 ; Retrieve Saved BANK data
PUSH IY ; Save BANK address (IY)
CALL LC085 ; Check if First Name Basis is okay
POP IY ; Restore BANK address (IY)
LD A,(0BCE8h) ; Get Number of Lives
CP 000h ; Any lives left?
JR NZ,L08EA ; Yes, so skip ahead
LD DE,00075h ; Phrase="Last Time You Played You Lost All Your Lives For I Will Start You Over"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
JR L0916 ; Initial a BANK and retreive saved game
; Copy Score into speakable number
L08EA: LD HL,0BCE2h ; HL = Pointer to Score
LD DE,0A6D0h ; Location of speakable number
LD BC,00003h ; Copy 3 bytes to (n) speakable number
LDIR ; Perform byte copy
LD DE,00076h ; Phrase="Last Time You Played Your Score Was (n)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
CALL L0DAD ; "Out Of A Possible (n)"
LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard Buffer
L0901: RES 0,(HL) ; Clear Keyboard Buffer
LD DE,00061h ; Phrase="Do You Want To Continue Your Game (%)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
CALL L19E7 ; Check for "YES" or "NO"
JR C,L08EA ; Timed out so repeat question
JR Z,L091D ; "YES" so jump ahead and continue
; Do Not Continue Game
LD DE,00062h ; Phrase="O K (%) I Will Start You Over Again"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
L0916: CALL LC09A ; Initialize data in a Game BANK
L0919: CALL LC0A3 ; Retrieve Saved BANK data
RET ; Return
; Continue Game
L091D: LD HL,0BE03h ;
SET 1,(HL) ;
JR L0919 ;
; Copy Name Data (transfer, clear)
L0924: PUSH IY ; Save BANK address
LD DE,08000h ; Phrase = "Thayer's Quest"
CALL L136C ; Clear Speech Buffer
CALL L1383 ; Get Phrase from Table
LD A,(0A614h) ; Get number of characters in buffer
INC A ; Add one character
CP 021h ; Are there more than 32 characters in buffer?
JR C,L0939 ; No, so continue
LD A,020h ; Limit buffer size to 32 characters
; Copy Speech Buffer into BANK
L0939: LD (IY+003h),A ; Save number of characters in buffer into BANK
LD HL,0A000h ; HL = Start of Speech Buffer
LD B,020h ; 32 characters to copy
L0943: LD A,(HL)
LD (IY+003h),A
DJNZ L0943
; Copy 6 bytes into memory
PUSH IY ; IY + 6B = Destination
LD HL,0BE27h ; BE27-BE2D Source to copy from
LD B,006h ; Loop = 6 bytes
L0958: LD A,(HL) ; Get Data bytes
LD (IY+06Bh),A ; Store the byte
INC IY ; Point to next spot
INC HL ; Point to next spot
DJNZ L0958 ; Loop until all 6 bytes transferred
; Copy Name Data to memory
LD HL,0A64Ah ; Point to start of name data
LD B,041h ; Loop = 65 bytes
L096A: LD A,(HL) ; Get Name Data
LD (IY+024h),A ; Copy name data to BANK
INC IY ; Point to next spot
INC HL ; Point to next spot
DJNZ L096A ; Loop until all name data copied
POP IY ; Restore BANK address
RET ; Return
; Cycle Routine #4: Look for a Saved Game
; Check to see if the Player's Name shows up
; in any of the 10 Saved Game Banks.
; RETURN A = Save Game Bank to use (default = 1)
; IY = Start of Bank Address (default = BA00)
L0976: LD IY,0A800h ; IY = Start of Game Banks
LD B,00Ah ; Loop = 10 banks
LD DE,00200h ; DE = Size of each bank
L097F: PUSH BC ; Save Loop
PUSH IY ; Save Start of Game Banks
LD B,041h ; Loop = Size of space for Player's Name
LD HL,0A64Ah ; Point to start of Length of Name
L0987: LD A,(IY+024h) ; Get name character from bank
CP (HL) ; See if the character matches
JR NZ,L0992 ; No match, so try next bank
INC HL ; Check next character
INC IY ; Check next character
DJNZ L0987 ; Loop back and check all characters
; See if a match was found
L0992: POP IY ; IY = Start of the Saved Bank
LD A,B ; A = character left to check
POP BC ; BC = Bank number that matches
CP 000h ; Have all characters been matched?
RET Z ; Yes, so we have a match. Return.
; Check remaining Banks
; then use default A = 1, IY = BA00
ADD IY,DE ; Skip to the next bank
DJNZ L097F ; Loop back until all 10 banks are checked
LD A,001h ; No match so use Bank 1
RET ; Return
; #11
L09A0: CALL L169E ;
PUSH IY ; Save IY Register before copy
LD HL,0BE27h ;
LD B,006h ; Loop = 6
L09AA: LD A,(HL) ;
LD (IY+065h),A ;
DJNZ L09AA ; Loop until all 6 checked
POP IY ; Restore IY Register after copy
LD A,(IY+071h) ;
LD (IY+071h),A
LD BC,001FDh
LD (HL),000h
; Retrieve Saved BANK data
; IY = BANK location to copy from
L09CE: PUSH IY ; Copy BANK address(IY) to HL
POP HL ; Location to copy from
LD DE,0BC00h ; Location to copy to
LD BC,00200h ; Number of bytes to copy
LDIR ; Copy all bytes
RET ; Return
; BATCH 2: #8 Check all BANKs for ?
L09DA: LD HL,0BE18h ;
LD (HL),064h ; 100
LD IY,0A800h ; Start of game BANKS
LD B,00Ah ; Loop = 10 banks
L09E5: LD A,(IY+001h) ; Get
CP 000h ; does bank need checking?
JR NZ,L09EF ; No, so skip ahead
CALL LC0A6 ; check bank
L09EF: LD DE,00200h ; DE = Size of BANK
ADD IY,DE ; Go to next BANK
DJNZ L09E5 ; Loop until all banks checked
LD IY,(0BE15h) ;
RET ; Return
; check if bank data matches BE18-BE1C
L09FB: LD HL,0BE18h ;
LD A,(IY+065h) ;
CP (HL) ;
JR Z,L0A07 ;
JR C,L0A2B ;
RET ; Return
; 6 loop
L0A07: INC HL ;
LD A,(IY+066h) ;
CP (HL) ;
JR Z,L0A11 ;
JR C,L0A2B ;
; 6 loop
L0A11: INC HL ;
LD A,(IY+067h) ;
CP (HL) ;
JR Z,L0A1B ;
JR C,L0A2B ;
; 6 loop
LD A,(IY+069h) ;
CP (HL) ;
JR Z,L0A25 ;
JR C,L0A2B ;
; 6 loop
L0A25: INC HL ;
LD A,(IY+06Ah) ;
CP (HL) ;
; 6 loop
L0A2B: LD A,(IY+065h)
LD (0BE18h),A
LD A,(IY+066h)
LD (0BE19h),A
LD A,(IY+067h)
LD (0BE1Ah),A
LD A,(IY+069h)
LD (0BE1Bh),A
LD A,(IY+06Ah)
LD (0BE1Ch),A
LD (0BE15h),IY
RET ; Return
; Initialize data in a New Game BANK
L0A4E: PUSH IY ; Transfer BANK address to DE
POP DE ; DE = Saved BANK address
; Clear BANK game data section BC80 - BDFF
LD HL,0080h ; Point to section of BANK
ADD HL,DE ; Add 80h to BANK address
LD D,H ; Transfer sum back to DE
LD E,L ; Transfer sum back to DE
INC DE ; Add 1 to DE
LD BC,0017Fh ; Loop = 383 bytes
LD (HL),000h ; Setup clearing bytes
LDIR ; Loop until all bytes are cleared
; Setup lives and health
LD A,(LC000) ; Get initial number of lives
PUSH IY ; Setup BANK pointer
LD BC,0080h ; Point to lives/health area
ADD IY,BC ; Add to BANK pointer
LD (IY+060h),008h ; BCE0: Index to health table
LD (IY+068h),A ; BCE8: Number of lives
; Determine which keys have no items associated
POP IY ; Get BANK address
PUSH IY ; Transfer BANK address to DE
POP DE ; DE = BANK address
LD HL,000A0h ; Point to section of BANK
ADD HL,DE ; Add A0h to BANK address
LD DE,LC95F ; Point to item property table
LD B,01Ah ; Loop = 26 items to check
L0A7E: EX DE,HL ; Switch register
BIT 6,(HL) ; Does key have an item associated?
EX DE,HL ; Switch register
JR NZ,L0A86 ; Key has no item, so skip ahead
LD (HL),001h ; Mark item as valid
L0A86: INC HL ; Check next item property
INC DE ; Check next inventory location
DJNZ L0A7E ; Loop until all items checked
; Setup initial item inventory BCA0-BCBA
PUSH IY ; Save BANK address
PUSH IY ; Save BANK address
POP DE ; DE = BANK address
LD HL,000E1h ; Point to section of BANK
ADD HL,DE ; Add E1h to BANK address
EX DE,HL ; DE = Pointer to Strength (BCE1)
LD B,01Ah ; Loop = 26 items to check
LD HL,LC95F ; Point to Item Property Table
L0A99: BIT 5,(HL) ; Does player start game with this item?
JR Z,L0AB7 ; Do not start with this item, so skip ahead
; Ajust player's strength when taking initial items
LD A,(HL) ; Get item property
AND 007h ; Get item weight
LD C,A ; C = Item weight
LD A,(DE) ; Get Strength
ADD A,C ; Add weight to Strength
LD (DE),A ; Save Strength
; Update inventory with item
PUSH IY ; Save
LD BC,00080h ; Point to section of BANK
ADD IY,BC ; Add 80h to BANK address
RES 0,(IY+020h) ; BCA0
SET 1,(IY+020h) ; BCA0
DJNZ L0A99 ; Loop until all items are checked
; Setup
LD HL,000C0h
LD B,020h ; Loop = 32
L0AC7: LD (HL),001h
LD A,(IY+072h)
LD (IY+072h),A
; Table B Routine #5: Get Scene Frame Number/Scene Play Timer
; (IX+0Fh)(IX+0Eh) = Scene Play Time
; (IX+01h)(IX+00h) = Starting Frame Number
L0AD5: LD C,(IX+00Eh) ; Get BC
LD B,(IX+00Fh) ; BC = Scene Play Time
LD HL,0BE03h
BIT 1,(HL)
BIT 5,(IX+00Bh)
JR NZ,L0AF2 ; No, so skip ahead
L0AE8: LD E,(IX+000h) ; Get DE
LD D,(IX+001h) ; DE = Starting Frame Number for scene
CALL L1BE3 ; PLAY Scene with Timer
RET ; Return
L0AF2: CALL L1CB0 ; Send 2 PLAY commands
RET ; Return
; Store Speakable Number for Speech
; A = Number (0-9)
L0AF6: LD (0A6D2h),A ; Store A in Ones
XOR A ; A = 0
LD (0A6D1h),A ; Store zero in other spots
LD (0A6D0h),A ; Store zero in other spots
RET ; Return
; Routine2: #3 Check if Player has Died
L0B01: BIT 4,(IX+00Bh) ; Test if Player died
JR Z,L0B7A ; Yes, Player dead
BIT 6,(IX+002h)
; No lives left
LD A,R ; A = Random Number
AND 003h ; A = number between 0-3
LD DE,08043h ; Phrase="(%) You Just Died"
ADD A,E ; Add Random Number
LD E,A ; Store Message Pointer
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
XOR A ; Number of Lives = 0
LD (0BCE8h),A ; Set Number of Lives to zero
L0B1C: LD DE,00062h ; Phrase="O K (%) I Will Start You Over Again"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
CALL L0C00 ; Show Ranking and Speak Score
L0B25: LD A,(0BCE9h)
LD (0BE18h),A
LD IY,0BC00h ; Initialize start of Working BANK
CALL LC09A ; Initialize data in a Game BANK
LD A,(0BE0Fh) ; Get DIP Switch A
BIT 4,A ; Test A5, Lives per Game
JR NZ,L0B3E ; 3 Lives, so skip ahead
LD HL,0BCE8h ; HL = Number of Lives
LD (HL),005h ; Set Number of Live to 5
L0B3E: LD A,(0BE18h)
LD (0BCE9h),A
LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard Buffer
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear keyboard buffer
L0B49: LD DE,00096h ; Programmable Timer = 096h
CALL L21A7 ; Set Programmable Timer
LD DE,00090h ; Phrase="Press Any Key To Continue"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
L0B55: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Get Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has key been pressed?
JR NZ,L0B6B ; Yes, key pressed to skip ahead
LD HL,0BE48h ; Check Timer register
BIT 7,(HL) ; Has timer expired?
CALL L21B3 ; Check if Programmable Timer expired
JR Z,L0B55
JR L0B49 ; Reset timer
L0B6B: RES 0,(HL)
LD A,001h
LD (0BC81h),A
LD HL,0BE03h
RES 4,(HL) ; Set Audio Track 1
SET 0,(HL)
; Player died, lose one life
L0B7A: BIT 6,(IX+002h)
LD A,R ; A = Random Number
AND 003h ; A = number between 0-3
LD DE,08043h ; Phrase="(%) You Just Died"
ADD A,E ; Add Random number
LD E,A ; Store Message Pointer
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
LD HL,0BCE8h ; Get Number of Lives
DEC (HL) ; Subtract 1
LD A,(HL) ; A = Number of Lives
CP 001h ; 1 life left?
JR Z,L0BA5 ; One life, so skip ahead
CALL L0AF6 ; n = Number of Lives
LD DE,0006Eh ; Phrase="You Have (n) Lives Left"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
LD A,(0BCE8h) ; Get Number of Lives
CP 000h ; Are there zero lives left?
JP Z,L0B1C ; No lives, so start over
L0BA5: LD DE,0007Fh ; Phrase = "?" <last life>
CALL Z,L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
LD A,(IX+003h)
LD (0BC81h),A
LD HL,0BE03h
SET 0,(HL)
RES 4,(HL) ; Set Audio Track 1
RET ; Return
; Check for Game Over (Play Clock Timer Expires)
L0BB9: LD HL,0BE48h ; Get Play Clock Register
BIT 7,(HL) ; Test if Play Clock has expired
RET Z ; Clock still running, so return
RES 7,(HL) ; Stop Play Clock
LD DE,0009Eh ; Phrase="Your Time Is Up (*)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
CALL L0C00 ; Show Ranking and Speak Score
CALL L0DF9 ; Do Save Game
LD HL,0BE03h
SET 0,(HL)
LD HL,0BE01h ; Get GAME STATUS Register
SET 0,(HL) ; Request Exit Main Loop
RET ; Return
; Routine #5: Finished 1st part of Game
L0BD8: BIT 3,(IX+00Bh)
LD (HL),000h
LD BC,0000h ; Scene Play Time = 0
LD DE,(0C01Dh) ; Get Message "Congrats, mastered 1st part"
CALL L1BE3 ; PLAY Scene with Timer
LD DE,00096h ; Programmable Timer = 96h
CALL L21A7 ; Set Programmable Timer
L0BF2: CALL L21B3 ; Check if Programmable Timer expired
JR Z,L0BF2 ; Wait until Timer expires
CALL L0DFF ; Automatically save game
CALL L0C00 ; Show Ranking and Speak Score
JP L0B25
; Show Ranking and Speak Score
L0C00: CALL L0C15 ; A = Player Ranking
LD HL,0BE01h ; Get GAME STATUS Register
RES 7,(HL)
LD HL,0CA05h ; HL = Start of Player Rankings
CALL L08A4 ; DE = Pointer to scene (HL+A*2)
CALL L0D7A ; Play scene and timer
CALL L0D9C ; Speak Score
RET ; Return
; Determine Player Ranking
; Return A = Player Ranking (0 - 17)
L0C15: LD A,(0BCE2h) ;
LD HL,(0BCE3h) ;
LD A,(0BC71h) ;
CP 003h ;
JR C,L0C2C ;
; Award 200 point Bonus for each ...
LD B,A ; B = number of seconds remaining
L0C25: LD A,0C8h ; Bonus = 200 points for each second
CALL L066B ; Add Bonus to Score
DJNZ L0C25 ; Loop until all bonus is awarded
; Check how many hints were given
L0C2C: LD HL,0BCF0h ;
LD C,000h ;
L0C31: BIT 7,C
CP 002h
JR L0C31 ;
L0C47: RES 7,C
AND 00Fh
CP 002h
; Transfer score to temp location for calculation
LD HL,0BE44h ; Point to temp location
LD (HL),000h ; Clear temp location
INC HL ; Next location
LD A,(0BCE2h) ; Get score byte
LD (HL),A ; Save in temp location (BE45)
INC HL ; Next location
LD A,(0BCE3h) ; Get score byte
LD (HL),A ; Save in temp location (BE46)
INC HL ; Next locatoin
LD A,(0BCE4h) ; Get score byte
LD (HL),A ; Save in temp locatoin (BE47)
; Multiply score by 16
XOR A ; Clear carry
RLD ; left 4 bits
SLA (HL) ; m=m*2
RL (HL) ; Rotate Left
RL (HL) ; Rotate Left
RL (HL) ; Rotate Left
LD C,000h ; Start at lowest ranking
OR A ; Loop = 0
L0C85: LD HL,0BE46h ; Point to temp location
LD A,(HL) ; Get adjusted score
INC HL ; Next location
LD L,(HL) ; Get adjusted score
LD H,A ; HL = Adjusted Score
LD A,(0C005h) ; Get total possible points
LD E,A ; DE = total possible points
LD A,(0C004h) ; Get total possible points
LD D,A ; DE = total possible points
SBC HL,DE ; HL = HL - total possible points
; Save the difference
LD (0BE46h),A
LD (0BE47h),A
LD HL,0BE45h
SUB 001h
SUB 001h
L0CB0: INC BC ; Improve ranking by one
JR L0C85 ; Jump back and check other data
; Save new score and return ranking
L0CB3: POP HL ; HL is score
LD (0BCE3h),HL ; Save score
POP AF ; AF is score
LD (0BCE2h),A ; Save Score
LD A,C ; A = Ranking
CP 020h ; Is ranking greater than 32?
RET C ; No, so return
LD A,01Fh ; Ranking = 32
RET ; Return
; Award Bonus
LD HL,0D000h ; HL = Start of Scene Data (Audio Track 1)
LD HL,0D800h ; HL = Start of Scene Data (Audio Track 2)
L0CCF: LD DE,00010h
L0CD8: LD DE,00008h
BIT 7,(HL) ; Do scene have bonus????
JR Z,L0CE4 ; No, so skip ahead
LD A,(HL) ; Get Bonus
CALL L066B ; Add Bonus to Score
L0CE4: POP HL ; Restore HL Register
POP BC ; Restore BC Register
RET ; Return
; Table B Rountine #17: Check Button: ITEMS
L0CE7: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
CP 032h ; Check if "ITEMS (2)" is Pressed
RET NZ ; "2" not pressed so return
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear Keyboard Buffer
BIT 7,(IX+00Bh) ; Is this scene timed? (Var0B)
RET NZ ; Yes, so action is not allowed here
; Speak Inventory or Show Inventory?
L0CFA: LD DE,00063h ; Phrase="Do You Want To See Your Item (%)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
CALL L19E7 ; Check for "YES" or "NO"
JR C,L0CFA ; Timed out so repeat question
JR Z,L0D0E ; "YES" so check inventory
LD HL,0BCA0h ; HL = Start of Inventory
CALL L12F6 ; Speak Inventory
RET ; Return
L0D0E: CALL L0D12 ; Show Inventory
RET ; Return
; Show Player's Inventory
L0D12: LD HL,0A782h ;
SET 5,(HL) ;
LD A,(0BE01h) ;
RES 7,A ;
LD (0BE01h),A ;
; Scan inventory to see if empty handed
LD HL,0BCA0h ; HL = Point to start of inventory
LD B,01Ah ; Number of items = A - Z (26)
L0D25: BIT 1,(HL) ; Is item being held?
JR NZ,L0D38 ; Yes, so show items
INC HL ; Check next item
DJNZ L0D25 ; Loop until all items checked
; No items being held, show "You Have Nothing"
LD HL,(0C039h) ; Get Pointer to Item Table
XOR A ; A=0, "You Have Nothing"
CALL L08A4 ; DE = Pointer to scene (HL+A*2)
CALL L0D7A ; Show Freeze Frame of Item
JR L0D69 ; Jump to end
L0D38: LD HL,(0C039h) ; Get Pointer to Item Table A
INC HL ; Point to next
INC HL ; Point to next, HL = HL + 2
XOR A ; A = 0, "You have acquired the following..."
CALL L08A4 ; DE = Pointer to scene (HL+A*2)
CALL L0D7A ; Show Freeze Frame of Message
LD B,01Ah ; 26 items to check
LD HL,0BCA0h ; HL = Start of Inventory
LD DE,(LC039) ; DE Points to Item Table A
INC DE ; Skip Inventory message frames
INC DE ; Skip Inventory message frames
INC DE ; Skip Inventory message frames
INC DE ; Skip Inventory message frames
XOR A ; A = 0, first item
L0D52: BIT 1,(HL) ; Is item in inventory?
JR Z,L0D65 ; Not in inventory, so skip ahead
; Item is in inventory so show picture
PUSH HL ; Save HL Register
PUSH DE ; Save DE Register
PUSH BC ; Save BC Register
PUSH AF ; Save AF Register
CALL L08A4 ; DE = Pointer to scene (HL+A*2)
CALL L0D7A ; Show Freeze Frame of Item
POP AF ; Restore AF Register
POP BC ; Restore BC Register
POP DE ; Restore DE Register
POP HL ; Restore HL Register
L0D65: INC HL ; Check next item
INC A ; Next item
DJNZ L0D52 ; Loop until all items checked
L0D69: LD HL,0A782h
RES 5,(HL) ;
LD HL,0BE03h ;
SET 0,(HL)
SET 1,(HL)
LD (0BE01h),A
; Play Message Frame from Disc for 2 seconds
; DE = Frame Number of Scene
L0D7A: CALL L1BE3 ; PLAY Scene with Timer
LD DE,0003Ch ; Load Programmable Timer = 3Ch
CALL L21A7 ; Set Programmable Timer
L0D83: CALL L21B3 ; Check if Programmable Timer expired
JR Z,L0D83 ; Loop until timer expires
RET ; Return
; Rountine #18: Check Button: GIVE SCORE
L0D89: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Get Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
CP 034h ; Check if "GIVE SCORE (4)" Pressed
RET NZ ; Not pressed, so return
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear Keyboard Buffer
BIT 7,(IX+00Bh) ; Is scene timed? (Var0B)
RET NZ ; Yes, so action is not allowed here
; Speak Score out of Possible Range
L0D9C: LD HL,0BCE2h ; HL = Pointer to Score
LD DE,0A6D0h ; DE = Speakable Number (n)
LD BC,00003h ; Loop = 3 numbers to copy
LDIR ; Copy numbers to speak
LD DE,00038h ; Phrase="(%) Your Score Is (n)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
L0DAD: LD HL,0C003h ; Get Total Possible Score
LD DE,0A6D0h ; DE = Speakable Number (n)
LD BC,00003h ; Loop = 3
LDIR ; Copy all digits
LD DE,0007Dh ; Phrase="Out Of A Possible (n)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
RET ; Return
; Table B Rountine #12: Check Keyboard
L0DBF: CALL L2190 ; Keyboard check routine
RET C ; No keypress, so return
LD (0BE0Ah),A ; Put Keypress in buffer
LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard buffer
SET 0,(HL) ; Set buffer to full
RET ; Return
; Table B Rountine #24: Check Button: HINT
L0DCC: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
CP 039h ; Check if "HINT (9)" Pressed
RET NZ ; Not pressed, so return
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear Keyboard Buffer
BIT 7,(IX+00Bh) ; Is scene timed? (Var0B)
RET NZ ; Yes, so action is not allowed here
LD DE,0008Dh ; Phrase="(%) I Only Give Pointer When You Need Them"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
RET ; Return
; Routine #22: Check Button: SAVE GAME
L0DE6: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
CP 037h ; Check if "SAVE GAME (7)" Pressed
RES 0,(HL)
BIT 7,(IX+00Bh) ; Is scene timed? (Var0B)
RET NZ ; Yes, so action is not allowed here
; Do Save Game
L0DF9: LD DE,0007Bh ; Phrase="I Have Saved Your Game"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
L0DFF: LD HL,0BC80h ; Get Audio Track
LD (HL),000h ; Reset Audio Track
BIT 7,(IX+002h) ; Check Audio Track from data
JR Z,L0E0C ; Audio Track 1 selected, skip ahead
SET 0,(HL) ; Select Audio Track 2
RET ; Return
; Copy Location BC00-BDFF to new SAVED GAME Bank
; BC00 = Bank number where to save game
L0E10: LD A,(0BC00h) ; A = Index to correct Bank
LD B,A ; Loop = A
LD HL,0A600h ; HL = A600h
LD DE,00200h ; DE = 200h
L0E1A: ADD HL,DE ; HL = HL + 200h
DJNZ L0E1A ; Loop until correct Bank
; Copy BC00-BDFF to correct Bank
EX DE,HL ; DE = Bank Address
LD HL,0BE01h ; Get GAME STATUS Register
SET 1,(HL) ; SAVE in progress, set bit1
LD HL,0BC00h ; HL = BC00
LD BC,00200h ; Loop = 200
LDIR ; Copy Bank
LD HL,0BE01h ; HL = BE01
RES 1,(HL) ; SAVE complete, clear bit1
RET ; Return
; Table B Rountine #23: Check Button: UPDATE
L0E31: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
CP 038h ; Check if "UPDATE (8)" Pressed
RET NZ ; Key not pressed, so return
RES 0,(HL) ; Clear Keyboard Buffer
BIT 7,(IX+00Bh) ; Is scene timed? (Var0B)
RET NZ ; Yes, so action is not allowed here
LD DE,00089h ; Phrase="You Need A Voice Print To Update (%)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
RET ; Return
; Starting Number of Lives, Audio Track
L0E4B: LD A,(0BE0Fh) ; Get DIP Switch A
BIT 4,A ; Test A5, Lives per Game
JR NZ,L0E58 ;
LD A,(LC001) ; Get Number of Lives (3)
LD (0BCE8h),A ; Store Number of Lives
L0E58: LD HL,0BC80h ;
BIT 0,(HL) ; Check which Audio Track to use
LD HL,0BE03h ;
RES 4,(HL) ; Set Audio Track 1
RET Z ; Audio Track 1 selected so return
SET 4,(HL) ; Set Audio Track 2
RET ; Return
; Table B Rountine #1: Giving Hints
L0E66: LD A,(0BC81h) ; Get Scene Index
LD HL,0BCF0h ; Point to RAM Hint Table
ADD A,L ; Add Scene Index to table
LD L,A ; Add Scene Index to table
JR NC,L0E71 ; Add
INC H ; HL = Pointer to spot in Hint RAM
L0E71: LD A,(HL) ; A = Hint RAM
BIT 7,(IX+002h) ; Var02 = Which Hint Table to use
JR NZ,L0E8B ; Use upper nibble RAM
AND 00Fh ; Use lower nibble RAM
L0E7A: LD C,A ; C = RAM Hint
LD A,(0BC81h) ; Get Scene Index
LD B,A ; B = Scene Index
; Determine which Hint Table to use
; based on bit in Var02 of Scene Data
SCF ; Carry = 1, Hint Table 2
BIT 7,(IX+002h) ; Var02 = Which Hint Table to use
JR NZ,L0E87 ; Clear so jump ahead
CCF ; else Carry = 0, use Hint Table (Audio Track 1)
L0E87: CALL L1629 ; Hint Request Processing
RET ; Return
L0E8B: AND 0F0h ; Get upper nibble
SRL A ; Shift upper nibble to lower
SRL A ; Shift upper nibble to lower
SRL A ; Shift upper nibble to lower
SRL A ; Shift upper nibble to lower
JR L0E7A ; Jump back
; Routine #21 Check Button: COMBINE ACTION
L0E97: LD HL,0BE0Bh ; Check Keyboard Buffer
BIT 0,(HL) ; Has a key been pressed?
RET Z ; No, so return
LD A,(0BE0Ah) ; Get Keyboard Character
CP 036h ; Check if "COMBINE ACTION (6)" is Pressed
RET NZ ; Not pressed to return
; Check if COMBINE is available
LD A,(IX+00Bh) ;
AND 007h ;
LD DE,00032h ; Phrase="You Don't Have That Choice Here (%)"
CALL L1363 ; Call Speech Routine (phrase)
JR L0EC7 ; Leave routine
; Reset COMBINE work area (6 bytes)
L0EB2: LD DE,00077h ; Phrase="Choose The Item To Combine"