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Random Points?
Yes, it appears that you are awarded random point values for things like smashing oil barrels and the occasional fireball.  Below is a random number generator that uses two timers.  Okay, so it's not really "random".  But the delay from when you start your game all the way to when the first points are awarded is going to happen at different times.

;              Get Random Number
;    Combine timers (6018) += (6019) + (601A)
L0057: LD      A,(06018h)      ; Get the number
       LD      HL,0601Ah       ; HL = General Purpose Timer
       ADD     A,(HL)          ; Add a free running timer
       LD      HL,06019h       ; HL = General Purpose Timer
       ADD     A,(HL)          ; Add another free running timer
       LD      (06018h),A      ; Then use the result as a random number
       RET                     ; Return


Here the "random" number will be analyzed and the points will be awarded... 
;              Award Random Point Amount
;          300 points    25% chance
;          500 points    50% chance
;          800 points    25% chance
L1DF5: LD      A,(06018h)      ; Get Random Number
       RRA                     ; 50% chance for 500 points
       JR      C,L1E08         ; Award 500 Points
       RRA                     ; 25% chance for 800 points
       JR      C,L1E10         ; Award 800 Points
;            Award 300 Points (25% chance)
L1E00: LD      B,07Dh          ; B = 300 sprite
       LD      DE,00003h       ; Routine = Award Points, 300 pts
       JR      L1E15           ; Go award points
;                 Award 500 Points
L1E08: LD      B,07Eh          ; B = 500 sprite
       LD      DE,00005h       ; Routine = Award Points, 500 pts
       JR      L1E15           ; Go award points
;                 Award 800 Points
L1E10: LD      B,07Fh          ; B = 800 sprite
       LD      DE,00008h       ; Routine = Award Points, 800 pts
L1E15: CALL    L309F           ; Schedule Award Points Routine (using DE)
       LD      HL,(06343h)     ; Get pointer to X position
       LD      A,(HL)          ; A = Prize X position (use for Point sprite)
       LD      (HL),000h       ; Erase Prize once collected
       INC     L               ; Go to Y position
       INC     L               ; Go to Y position
       INC     L               ; Go to Y position
       LD      C,(HL)          ; C = Y position (use for Point sprite)
       JR      L1E36          
; Go program Award Sprite

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